YEA! I'm officially mr keyboardist ^.^ I better not screw up church praise and worship now >.<" GOD BLESS ME's an all DUDE band, but... I'm the youngest...cuz the rest are my daddy's age ^-^. Either ways, age= experience, SO this still RAWKS :)!!!!
I know he rescued my soul
His blood has covered my sin
I believe I believe
My shame is taken away
My pain is healed in his name
I believe I believe
I'll raise a banner
Cause my Lord has conquered the grave
My Redeemer Lives, My Redeemer Lives
My Redeemer Lives, My Redeemer Lives
You Lift my burdens
I'll rise with You
I'm dancing on this mountain top
to see your kingdom come
Sunday, October 28, 2007
at 1:20 AM 0 comments Labels: My Redeemer LIVES
Posted by Gilchrist a.ka. Braced Bunny
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
ARRRRR...Firdaus, you feel my pain, a bit only, since your scores are damn gay. :D But hey, I really WISH that fish were somebody...^.^ YEA you know who mr firry boy ^.^
at 7:04 AM 0 comments Labels: SPCA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING
Posted by Gilchrist a.ka. Braced Bunny
PHEW. Now that I've tabulated my scores (60% promos +40% (Mid year+ CA)) It gives me figures greater than an S^.^ whooppee? :) THANK YOU GOD. I owe you big time :D
9th November will confirm everything, but now I'm all into Chi-na tongues. :) yea. next week.
People's love for things cannot change. Not any word, number or even letter will make any difference. You cannot stop anyone with what you try to do. No chance no way. ^.^
Mdm Ng used to tell 4/7: If it is to be, it is up to me... SO listen up devil incarnate.
Try this now:
1. think of 5 things that make you happy
2. name 4 wishes
3. were any of your needs fulfilled in 1 &2?
4. say out 2 words that you think are most meaningful
5. Will any one of these also made some ONE else happy?
I know this sounds so random and weird, yet, I wonder how many people would really take a bullet for another. Hey. Take time to thank the people that made you the person you are today. Yes, you know who I'm referring to.
at 3:11 AM 0 comments Labels: it is the road to happiness, Take time to be friendly
Posted by Gilchrist a.ka. Braced Bunny
Monday, October 22, 2007
Number Definitions
Tommorrow decides the path one thousand over people will take. True. Apparently promoting seems as if it's similarly tough as the A levels. >.<>
My mum was thinking of early enlistment if I screwed this entire JC life up. WHICH I WILL NOT, BECAUSE I HAVE FAITH ^.^. I don't believe in fate, but I do believe very much in faith. I personally know this year was terribly tougher than ever. I fought a good fight, definitely.
Anyway, for the tense worry-full lot of you all out there (yea, I'm not exactly VERY tense :)) I've got this Proverb from Solomon:D...
When you lie down, you will not be afraid;
When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet
Do not be afraid of sudden fear,
Nor of the onslaught of the wicked when it comes;
For the Lord will be your confidence,
and will keep your foot from being caught.
(c3,v. 24-26)
I pray for my bro who has just touched down in Queensland, Australia. :) God Bless you, you take care and be careful. MISS YOU :'(
at 6:09 AM 0 comments Labels: can't a bro care for his bro? ^.^
Posted by Gilchrist a.ka. Braced Bunny
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Special has EEEEE in the middle
School was sad today, apparently many people are anti SDP even when they don't even know the party's leader's name -.-. Pappy's doing a good job fathering his flock.
I got screwed by the tutor. A sexist frat OP tutor. EEKs :)
Went to get me passport renewed. GOT TO SEE KUMAR!!! :D!!!! he was carrying some sort of gay bag? Pink thingy with shimmy shiny mini discs dangling everywhere. :X...BUT. SUPER COOL GLASSES YO. The place was so dark, and he wore sunglasses...YO brother, no UV from fluorescent bulbs la DEH :)
Then hor, for the first time, I was a translator :D...I helped 2 SUPER DUPER CHI-na people fill up their PR forms. ^.^ YAYS much. I could ACTUALLY understand mainland chinese chinese. :) *pats on my back. Now I'm confident for the D in AO lvls chinese :D! HAHAHAAaA
Singaporeans, the senior citizens are more refined than the young ones today. :'( sadly. Saw this dude carrying a bible, and blasting his ****** noise throughout the train -.- I know Christians aren't deaf people. Like DUDE, the bible is not a fashion accessory.
at 7:07 AM 0 comments Labels: Book covers
Posted by Gilchrist a.ka. Braced Bunny
Thursday, October 11, 2007
HAHA WHERE SIA!? NO GRAPH!? NO ONE!? :O......Omigosh you mean I wasn't registered?? XD. Dear Statistics Bureau, i'll SEE you in court :D
at 7:47 AM 0 comments Labels: seeing is not believing
Posted by Gilchrist a.ka. Braced Bunny
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
HAIzx. The new timetable is shit. I get 4 hours of PW straight..then that's it for the day. -.- AND we have math tutorial right before math lecture...HOW INTELLIGENT.
Anyway, this week, I've been finding things..from lost T shirts to 80GB portable hard disks :D and thumbdrives. YES all found-ed. Duh I gave them to the G.O, duh I knew I would cry if it were me who lost it :) Yes....PJ STUDENTS are great bunch. Really. the teachers are in a world of their own though...$.$. ya. that's it i guess, not much love for teaching/students ever. NEver :)
Drama was fun. So fun we did nothing. :) I got to serenade to the Pres. buT i didn't practice enough. >.< SHOOT :) Yea yea...will get cracking now :)...learning 2 new pieces!! :D
OH YA. ERr.....was thinking of getting Zachary Moselle from ACT3 for PJ's SYF :D....apparently the one we have is constantly having stomach flu/fever/cough/PMS/AIDS (matt's idea)...I've got one cutesy script of me own though :D...wonder if Pres. needs one ^.^ oh well...hopesxzxzxz
at 7:31 AM 0 comments Labels: They long to be Close To YOu....:)
Posted by Gilchrist a.ka. Braced Bunny
Friday, October 5, 2007
this TIME i can't wait for
Soon you'll be off to Aussie Land. :) wish you all the best though. Be careful of swinging tank turrets and nozzles...those hurt ..........a lot.
Watch the Chao Keng Kias, observe the Bengs at work.They know the life you don't. Paper and ink, cigarettes and tattoos. Screw that musket and hold that shovel.
You go ahead to the desert dust. Scorpion poison ain't so bad. Grit and gore and gnash; the rug of your room is so old with dust.
ANYWAY, today was POS day. Very much so, Piss JC lived up to its name alright...It was all over my face...and at least 299 others :) Dai di (or whatever you call it) is cool...But some pal asked if I could play bridge. :D lolz, maybe I should start learning.
GAWSHHH....Indian food is just so nice!? It's woohoo ex. (120 for 3). But OOo....the curry is mama mia hot....THAT is what I missed because of the Piss in my face >.<'s related to a farewell thing to the former topic :)
at 6:18 AM 0 comments Labels: POpadams :D
Posted by Gilchrist a.ka. Braced Bunny
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Close shave
Yes, my new haircut's growing out fine...except for this little turf at the front...a bit weird....but well it's just hair, it'll get mowed right off once again in a couple o' months time. :)
And like that night, I was staring out of my window, looking at the night sky (eheh..sounds so so sad huh), hoping for some sort of inspiration and then....I didn't get it.
I saw a cab go WHHEEEEEEE........(not in the happy "wee" but the squealish "wee"), then TA DA. An accident. No injuries whatsoever, but the scene was definitely squishy; Metallic squish. Yes. I know being Kaypoh and stuff at midnight is so weird...but well, at least it kept me occupied for an hour or so. No one was hurt at all. Phew. The yellow thing's right side was totally trashed and well....squished.
But the drama that entailed was surprising. Drivers clambered out not to check if each other was fine, but whipped out handphones to take pictures as evidence...Was thinking ," HEY ASK ME! I've got an aerial view!!" LOLZ much.
Anyway, right now it's day time and I've got laundry to do ^.^......Room Service!
at 5:20 PM 0 comments Labels: It's fun blowing bubbles, though you best burst them yourself rather than someone else
Posted by Gilchrist a.ka. Braced Bunny
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
YEA I totally wish getting to school was THIS COOL! :D That's Mark and Geraldine respectively awed by the MONSTER SCHOOL BUS. Random faeces....nev
Phew. note to self, don't EVER run at 4pm. Benjamin and Jack, we are such arseholes. :D Jack got a headache/migraine after 6/7 rounds @ CCK stadium. Dots la....:) Jack you take care ya?
and Stratus people? Please sms/snailmail/call Joel and PAY UP for the chalet (that's if you're going duh :))
I'm seriously looking forward to tomorrow's Nus Lit Lec :D it better be good or I'm going to Harvard :D!! I wish.
at 7:21 AM 0 comments Labels: that's the dfifference between them N'US
Posted by Gilchrist a.ka. Braced Bunny
Monday, October 1, 2007
AHHh...finally heartbeat
I've got the chips and coke (NOT cocaine) but cola, Student Council president's got the guns..:O....GAME ON!!!! thanks wilfred. am officially jealous of M TW II
phew..halo is so dandiggity hard to control...I get killed by walking right off the same cliff...5 friggin' times -.- I know it's the typical geek sorta stuff but at least its mega better than Hermit the mountain goat like Eugene says :D
Planning 4/7 chalet :D ALL 4/7er report to the FAT BEAR ASAP :) This is the royal adviser speaking. I'm sadly NOT paid. -.-
Oh and I'm now off the Singapore Marathon. Apparently the fees are way off my budget: $50.
:D I may soudd cheap...but I'd rather do this:
(Home to PJ= 1km) X 10 = PRICELESS ^.^ Jacko and Ah bang are coing along thinking joel is gonna dieeee :) But so cool that he's coming along :D! I'll always remember the good old intel days :)
God Bless all other JC ppl having promos. Really, you all take care and do well! ^.^ I have my battle (stress related pimple) scars to show too. WAAHAHa- HA
at 8:54 AM 0 comments Labels: life is what you determine yourself
Posted by Gilchrist a.ka. Braced Bunny
The Hardened Shell
Shed all the calluses
Don't let the society harden you
says The System
Prepare in peace for times of war
what then happens if the dove flies
around with a thorned rose round its neck
What then happens with the program with
no breaks no hyphens-no dashes-no-no
reveals a hollow spirit
at 12:30 AM 0 comments Labels: why am I sleeping so late??? :D
Posted by Gilchrist a.ka. Braced Bunny