Friday, June 6, 2008

Great song ^__^

Did you rise the sun for me?
Or paint a million stars that I might
Know your majesty?
Is your voice upon the wind?
Is everything I've known marked
with my maker's fingerprints?
Breathe on me
Let me see your face
Ever I will seek you

'Cause all your are, is all I want, always
Draw me close, in your arms
Oh God, I wanna be with you

Can I feel you in the rain?
Abandon all I am to have you
capture me again
Let the earth resound with praise
Can you hear as all creation lives
to glorify your name?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Call it his Achilles’ heel, that fatal flaw was hardly any glitch…Seriously. She on the other hand, was the entire exposed heel; if you know what I mean. Medication was like a tumour to her. Constant costs, constant cramps, constant chaos. Her mind and her mum were at split ends; oh don’t get me started about her hair, because it’s a mess. Words can hardly describe what she does to the frills (or if she even bothers in the first place). Thus, with that alone, this was considered college life suicide.

The stigma really started to set in, and well, life just got a whole lot tougher. Self inflicted, you might say…Neh. She loved sleep, who doesn’t? It’s just that time was rarely on her side, so don’t mind the daily mad-hair-days.

Getting your own clique was really essential in school, it’s your safety net, your refuge, your life (in school), basically. It’s essentially that animal instinct, that herd mentality; stick close and it’s harder to break (either you or the other bloke). Well yeah, that’s what she did, but of course, not all cliques actually click.That nagging pain of being the isolated one didn’t just get at her; Mr X did get some flak, moral flak. He didn’t have his own clique either, but surviving by being nomadic proved better than brooding around the same boring crowd (apart from the occasional longing to settle down of course). That was when he decided. He went over and sat on that bare bench, the only table in the entire canteen during “peak-hour recess”, with only one person.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I see 2 ways, 1 way I've seen it

Part 2: (or so the saga continues :)...)

Mr X knew something was wrong with her; simple social dynamics like in the class room and she’s already hapless about it. Maybe he was slightly more observant and caring. Or maybe he just cared. Sometimes other girls think he’s trying to hit on them. Sometimes, they’re just obnoxious; just a little. Mr X too wasn’t too bright, but what he had was something no one else could imagine. That little X factor in him always never failed to show. Being blown away was a common feeling others had when they were around him. X never boasted; but he did get quite pumped up in hot air…Sometimes, sometimes. He thanks God for everything he has, maybe that’s what sets him apart. Perhaps, I would say.
Like mentioned earlier, school was the metaphorical battlefield for the both of them. Nonetheless, that’s how soldiers from all walks of life are forced to work together. That’s when she met him. Under all the artillery fire of homework and common tests, they both realised their synergistic ability; debate. Their constant crossfire would keep them ahead of the lagging class in G.P, no doubt about that. Indeed in showed in the common tests.

He did his prayers, his minute-or-so morning devotion. Sometimes at night he’d pray for his friends to be saved and healed. Sometimes he’d forget, but not because he didn’t care, he definitely did; but he just couldn’t hold his guts together. It would seem an infinite number of opportunities would have slipped past the slits in his tattered fate. Even so, the atheist friend of his…called it faith.

Reader discretion. All characters here are seriously ficticious. Any resemblence to the author (as some dumbass readers you guys may be) would be a mere effing coincidence ^_^

Monday, June 2, 2008


No wonder its hard to live;
estranged lovers walking far,
really far.
I don't give a shit,
never daunted I say,
everyday brings new hope
New life, new light

Started on my little story for the holidays....hope it's interesting :DDDD
Part 1:
Mr X and Ms Y were friends. A peculiar couple of people you could say. Their height difference was over half a metre; their weight difference was, well, about 40 kilos. This relationship of pals really can’t stand the pressure of a…pressure cooker. I guess time will tell.

Ms Y suffered from schizophrenia, she didn’t tell many people about it. It was a silent disease and battle she had being fighting since Primary 6. PSLE and the big “O” must have got to her I guess. When she entered Pre-U, things got a little out of hand; nothing really drastic in the eyes of a normal bloke, but Ms Y really had everything going against her; almost.

That was when Mr X crossed her path. He wasn’t the classic knight in shining armour or the suave stud that’ll sweep her off to safety. Sadly no, not every story has a beautiful end.

This one’s…a sad one.