Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Dang Diggity Dang

Being reliable and trustworthy is tough to find in people nowadays. Worse still -.- Even if someone has it...It isn't appreciated. I just can't understand why :( Yes, being in a managerial post means you have been chosen by some mandate, but dang you mustn't stop there.

This week has been almost a terrible week. Almost. And just before anything then goes wrong, I sing "One Way" and "Tell the world that" unconsciously :D I KNOW it's so cooL! It really gets me reminded ..hmmm what would Jesus do? :)

It was Jethro's birthday yesterday. SO COOOL LA...His hood is majorly glam, ostentatious, blabla...Every person that walks in/out either has the latest clothing, jaguars, mercs, gold.....:( And what was I wearing to his sweet sixteen? Lees' Jeans and a tee that read "Action Group for the Mentally Ill" :D Our church endorsed that group to help those people out okay!? The shirt had cool print, but the text wasn't glam for sure :) BBQ either way was uber fun ^_^ and Jet got cool gifts...guys only thing XD

Oh YA, there was this Men's and Women's Conference, Ralph and Linda Parker were the main speakers. REALLY anointed two. God bless them so.

Can't wait to go for camp!! :D! :) Gtg. Bless ya all

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Really, you walk along Singapore's HIP land, a.k.a Singapore's Art District, you find loads of cool buildings and a variety of architecture drawn from many different cultures.YET there is always another side to it.. :(

Passing Kitten

The passing of the youth
grown sour and rusty and old
Peeling of the spongey crisps
for the spray of vibrant shine
Alleys and walkways, stop,
make way for the runway!

A passing of a strong authentic brew
wisps of the true blue ancients
Lost secrets of real life Now
turn and see the discordant
facades all around the eye sore
uncontrolled flings of Him

Glass class o, alas
Steels of nerve and that
heartless cold fistiron rain in staccato
with the historicals in cast.These emtpy beings.
Hollow since the start of death

Cool sparkle, Large omnipotent.
Liars of culture and just blood

trickle... speck of a speck.