Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I see 2 ways, 1 way I've seen it

Part 2: (or so the saga continues :)...)

Mr X knew something was wrong with her; simple social dynamics like in the class room and she’s already hapless about it. Maybe he was slightly more observant and caring. Or maybe he just cared. Sometimes other girls think he’s trying to hit on them. Sometimes, they’re just obnoxious; just a little. Mr X too wasn’t too bright, but what he had was something no one else could imagine. That little X factor in him always never failed to show. Being blown away was a common feeling others had when they were around him. X never boasted; but he did get quite pumped up in hot air…Sometimes, sometimes. He thanks God for everything he has, maybe that’s what sets him apart. Perhaps, I would say.
Like mentioned earlier, school was the metaphorical battlefield for the both of them. Nonetheless, that’s how soldiers from all walks of life are forced to work together. That’s when she met him. Under all the artillery fire of homework and common tests, they both realised their synergistic ability; debate. Their constant crossfire would keep them ahead of the lagging class in G.P, no doubt about that. Indeed in showed in the common tests.

He did his prayers, his minute-or-so morning devotion. Sometimes at night he’d pray for his friends to be saved and healed. Sometimes he’d forget, but not because he didn’t care, he definitely did; but he just couldn’t hold his guts together. It would seem an infinite number of opportunities would have slipped past the slits in his tattered fate. Even so, the atheist friend of his…called it faith.

Reader discretion. All characters here are seriously ficticious. Any resemblence to the author (as some dumbass readers you guys may be) would be a mere effing coincidence ^_^

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